Common Issues

Extension Modules Support

Unlike PyOxidizer, OxidizedResourceCollector isn’t (yet) as intelligent about how to handle extension modules (standalone machine native shared libraries). And even PyOxidizer’s support for extension modules can be brittle.

One notable difference between PyOxidizer and OxidizedResourceCollector is PyOxidizer is able to determine whether importing extension modules from memory is supported and is able to automatically redirect an extension module to filesystem-based loading if not supported. OxidizedResourceCollector is dumb and adds resources where you tell it to.

OxidizedFinder supports loading extension modules from memory on Windows. But everywhere else, this isn’t supported and will result in an ImportError if you index an extension module for in-memory loading.

To work around this deficiency, you’ll want to mark extension modules as loaded from the filesystem unless you are on Windows. Try something like this:

import oxidized_importer

collector = oxidized_importer.OxidizedResourceCollector(
    allowed_locations=["in-memory", "filesystem-relative"],

# Redirect extension modules to the filesystem and everything else to
# memory.
for resource in oxidized_importer(find_resources_in_path("/path/to/resources")):
    if isinstance(resource, oxidized_importer.PythonExtensionModule):
        collector.add_filesystem_relative("lib", resource)

Resource Scanning Descends Into site-packages

find_resources_in_path() descends into site-packages directories. This is arguably not the desired behavior, especially when in the context of virtualenvs, which may want to not inherit the resources in the site-packages of the outer Python installation. This will likely be fixed in a future release.