Functions for Managing Targets


Registers a named target that can be resolved by the configuration file.

A target consists of a string name, callable function, and an optional list of targets it depends on.

The callable may return one of the types defined by this Starlark dialect to facilitate additional behavior, such as how to build and run it.



(string) The name of the target being register.


(function) A function to call when the target is resolved.


(list of string or None) List of target strings this target depends on. If specified, each dependency will be evaluated in order and its returned value (possibly cached from prior evaluation) will be passed as a positional argument to this target’s callable.


(bool) Indicates whether this should be the default target to evaluate. The last registered target setting this to True will be the default. If no target sets this to True, the first registered target is the default.


(bool) indicates whether this should be the default target to evaluate when run from the context of a Rust build script (e.g. from pyoxidizer run-build-script. It has the same semantics as default.


It would be easier for target functions to call resolve_target() within their implementation. However, Starlark doesn’t allow recursive function calls. So invocation of target callables must be handled specially to avoid this recursion.


Triggers resolution of a requested build target.

This function resolves a target registered with register_target() by calling the target’s registered function or returning the previously resolved value from calling it.

This function should be used in cases where 1 target depends on the resolved value of another target. For example, a target to create a FileManifest may wish to add a PythonExecutable that was resolved from another target.


Triggers resolution of requested build targets.

This is usually the last meaningful line in a config file. It triggers the building of targets which have been requested to resolve by whatever is invoking the config file.