Packaging Primitives in pyoxidizer.bzl Files

PyOxidizer’s run-time behavior is controlled by pyoxidizer.bzl Starlark (a Python-like language) configuration files. See Configuration Files for documentation on these files, including low-level API documentation.

This document gives a medium-level overview of the important Starlark types and functions and how they all interact.

Targets Define Actions

As detailed at Targets, a PyOxidizer configuration file is composed of named targets, which are functions returning an object that may have a build or run action attached. Commands like pyoxidizer build identify a target to evaluate then effectively walk the dependency graph evaluating dependent targets until the requested target is built.

Defining an Executable Embedding Python

In this example, we create an executable embedding Python:

def make_dist():
    return default_python_distribution()

def make_exe(dist):
    return dist.to_python_executable("myapp")

register_target("dist", make_dist)
register_target("exe", make_exe, depends=["dist"], default=True)

PythonDistribution.to_python_executable() accepts an optional PythonPackagingPolicy instance that influences how the executable is built and what resources are added where. See the type documentation for the list of parameters that can be influenced. Some of this behavior is described in the sections below. Other examples are provided throughout the Packaging User Guide documentation.

Configuring the Python Interpreter Run-Time Behavior

The PythonInterpreterConfig Starlark type configures the default behavior of the Python interpreter embedded in built binaries.

A PythonInterpreterConfig instance is associated with PythonExecutable instances when they are created. A custom instance can be passed into PythonDistribution.to_python_executable() to use non-default settings.

In this example (similar to above), we construct a custom PythonInterpreterConfig instance using non-defaults and then pass this instance into the constructed PythonExecutable:

def make_dist():
    return default_python_distribution()

def make_exe(dist):
    config = dist.make_python_interpreter_config()
    config.run_mode = "eval:print('hello, world')"

    return dist.to_python_executable("myapp", config=config)

register_target("dist", make_dist)
register_target("exe", make_exe, depends=["dist"], default=True)

The PythonInterpreterConfig type exposes a lot of modifiable settings. See the API documentation for the complete list. These settings include but are not limited to:

  • Control of low-level Python interpreter settings, such as whether environment variables (like PYTHONPATH) should influence run-time behavior, whether stdio should be buffered, and the filesystem encoding to use.

  • Whether to enable the importing of Python modules from the filesystem and what the initial value of sys.path should be.

  • The memory allocator that the Python interpreter should use.

  • What Python code to run when the interpreter is started.

  • How the terminfo database should be located.

Many of these settings are not needed for most programs and the defaults are meant to be reasonable for most programs. However, some settings - such as the run_* arguments defining what Python code to run by default - are required by most configuration files.

Adding Python Packages to Executables

A just-created PythonExecutable Starlark type contains just the Python interpreter and standard library derived from the PythonDistribution from which it came. While you can use PyOxidizer to produce an executable containing just a normal Python distribution with nothing else, many people will want to add their own Python packages/code.

The Starlark environment defines various types for representing Python package resources. These include PythonModuleSource, PythonExtensionModule, PythonPackageDistributionResource, and more.

Instances of these types can be created dynamically or by performing common Python packaging operations (such as invoking pip install) via various methods on PythonExecutable instances. These Python package resource instances can then be added to PythonExecutable instances so they are part of the built binary.

See Managing How Resources are Added and Packaging Python Files for more on this topic, including many examples.

Install Manifests Copy Files Next to Your Application

The FileManifest Starlark type represents a collection of files and their content. When FileManifest instances are returned from a target function, their build action results in their contents being manifested in a directory having the name of the build target.

FileManifest instances can be used to construct custom file install layouts.

Say you have an existing directory tree of files you want to copy next to your built executable defined by the PythonExecutable type.

The glob() function can be used to discover existing files on the filesystem and turn them into a FileManifest. You can then return this FileManifest directory or overlay it onto another instance using FileManifest.add_manifest(). Here’s an example:

def make_dist():
    return default_python_distribution()

def make_exe(dist):
    return dist.to_python_executable("myapp")

def make_install(exe):
    m = FileManifest()

    m.add_python_resource(".", exe)

    templates = glob("/path/to/project/templates/**/*", strip_prefix="/path/to/project/")

    return m

register_target("dist", make_dist)
register_target("exe", make_exe, depends=["dist"])
register_target("install", make_install, depends=["exe"], default=True)

We introduce a new install target and make_install() function which returns a FileManifest. It adds the PythonExecutable (represented by the exe argument/variable) to that manifest in the root directory, signified by ..

Next, it calls glob() to find all files in the /path/to/project/templates/ directory tree, strips the path prefix /path/to/project/ from them, and then merges all of these files into the final manifest.

When the InstallManifest is built, the final layout should look something like the following:

  • install/myapp (or install/myapp.exe on Windows)

  • install/templates/foo

  • install/templates/...

See Packaging Python Files Next to the Built Application for more on this topic.