Mozilla Mercurial Statistics

September 30, 2014 at 01:17 PM | categories: Mercurial, Mozilla

I recently gained SSH access to Mozilla's Mercurial servers. This allows me to run some custom queries directly against the data. I was interested in some high-level numbers and thought I'd share the results. hosts a total of 3,445 repositories. Of these, there are 1,223 distinct root commits (i.e. distinct graphs). Altogether, there are 32,123,211 commits. Of those, there are 865,594 distinct commits (not double counting commits that appear in multiple repositories).

We have a high ratio of total commits to distinct commits (about 37:1). This means we have high duplication of data on disk. This basically means a lot of repos are clones/forks of existing ones. No big surprise there.

What is surprising to me is the low number of total distinct commits. I was expecting the number to run into the millions. (Firefox itself accounts for ~240,000 commits.) Perhaps a lot of the data is sitting in Git, Bitbucket, and GitHub. Sounds like a good data mining expedition...