Reporting Mercurial Issues
May 04, 2015 at 01:45 PM | categories: Mercurial, MozillaI semi-frequently stumble upon conversations in hallways and on about issues people are having with Mercurial. These conversations periodically involve a legitimate bug with Mercurial. Unfortunately, these conversations frequently end without an actionable result. Unless someone files a bug, pings me, etc, the complaints disappear into ether. That's not good for anyone and only results in bugs living longer than they should.
There are posters around Mozilla offices that say if you see something, file something. This advice does not just apply to Mozilla projects!
If you encounter an issue in Mercurial, please take the time to report it somewhere meaningful. The Reporting Issues with Mercurial page from the Mercurial for Mozillians guide tells you how to do this.
It is OK to complain about something. But if you don't inform someone empowered to do something about it, you are part of the problem without being part of the solution. Please make the incremental effort to be part of the solution.