My Shifting Open Source Priorities
March 17, 2024 at 09:00 PM | categories: Personal, PyOxidizer
I'm a maintainer of a handful of open source projects, some of which have millions of downloads and/or are used in important workloads, including in production.
I have a full time job as a software engineer and my open source work is effectively a side job. (Albeit one I try very hard to not let intersect with my day job.)
Historically, my biggest contributions to my open source projects have come when I'm not working full time:
- python-zstandard was started when I was on medical leave, recovering from a surgery.
- python-build-standalone and PyOxidizer were mainly built when I was between jobs, after leaving Mozilla.
- apple-codesign was built in the height of COVID when I took a voluntary leave of absence from work to reconstitute my mental and physical health.
When working full time, my time to contribute to open source has been carved out of weekday nights and weekends, especially in the winter months. I believe that code is an art form and programming a form of creative expression. My open source contributions provide a relaxing avenue for me to express my artistic creativity, when able.
My open source contributions reflect my personal priorities of where and what to spend my free time on.
The only constant in life is change.
In the middle of 2022, I switched job roles and found myself reinvigorated by my new role - Infrastructure Performance - which is at the intersection of some of my strongest technical and professional skills. I found myself willingly pouring more energy and time into my day job. That had the side effect of reducing my open source contributions.
In 2023Q1 I got married. In the months leading up to and after, I chose to prioritize spending time with my now wife and all the time commitments that entails. This also reduced the amount of time available for open source contributions.
In 2023Q4 I became a father to a beautiful baby girl. While on my employer's generous-for-the-United-States fourteen week paternity leave, I somehow found some time to contribute to open source. As refreshing as that was, it didn't last. My man cave where my desktop computer resides has been converted into a nursery. And for the past few months it has been occupied by my mother-in-law, who has been generously effectively serving as a live-in nanny. Even when I'm able to sit down at my desktop, it's hard to get into a state of flow due to the added entropy from the additional three people now living with me.
After realizing the new normal in 2024Q1, I purchased a Wahoo KICKR MOVE bicycle trainer and now spend considerable time doing virtual bicycle rides on Zwift because its one of the few leisure activities I can do at home without drawing scrutiny from my wife and mother-in-law (but 98% my mother-in-law because I've observed that my wife is effectively infallible). I now get excited about virtually summiting famous climbs instead of contributing to open source. (Today's was Mont Ventoux - an absolute beast of a climb that reminded me a lot of my real world ride up Pike's Peak in 2020.)
Various changes in the past eighteen or so months have created additional time constraints and prioritization changes that have resulted in my open source contributions withering.
In addition, my technical interests have been shifting.
I've always gravitated to more systems-level areas of computers. My degree is in Computer Engineering and I have a stereotypical engineer mindset: I have an insatiable curiosity about how things work and interact and I want to always be tinkering. I prefer to be closer to hardware instead of abstracted far away from it. I enjoy interacting with the building blocks of software ecosystems: operating systems, filesystems, runtimes, file formats, compilers, etc.
Historically, my open source contributions to my preferred areas of computing were limited. Again, to me open source is an enjoyable form of creative expression. That means I do it for fun. Historically, the systems-level programming space was limited to languages like C and C++, which I consider frustrating and painful to use. If I'm going to subject myself to misery when programming, you are going to have to pay me well to do it.
As part of creating PyOxidizer, I learned Rust.
When I became proficient in Rust, I realized that Rust unlocks all kinds of systems-level problems that were effectively off-limits for my open source contributions. Would I implement Debian packaging primitives in Python? Or a tool to bulk analyze Linux packages and peek inside ELF binaries for insights about what compiler/linker features are used in the wild in Python/C/C++? Not unless you pay me to do it!
As I learned Rust, I also found myself being drawn away from Python, my
prior go-to language. As I wrote in Rust is for Professionals,
Rust feels surprisingly high level. It isn't as terse as Python but it is
a lot closer than I thought it would be. And Rust gives you vastly stronger
compile-time guarantees and run-time performance than Python. I felt like
Rust's tooling ecosystem was supporting me instead of standing in my way. I
felt that when you consider the overall software development lifecycle - not
just the edit-build-run loop that people tend to fixate on, likely because
it is the easiest to measure - Rust was vastly more productive and a joy to
work with than Python. All those countless hours debugging, fixing, and
authoring tests for TypeError
and ValueError
Python exceptions you see
in production just don't happen with Rust and that time can be better spent
iterating on core functionality, which is what actually matters.
On top of the Rust undercurrents, I've also become somewhat disenchanted with the Python ecosystem. As I wrote in 2020's Mercurial's Journey to and Reflections on Python 3, the Python 3 transition was bungled and resulted in years - if not a full decade - of lost opportunity. As I wrote in 2023's My User Experience Porting Off, the Python packaging story feels as discombobulated and frustrating as ever. PyOxidizer additionally brushed up against several limitations in how Python is designed and implemented, many of which are not trivially fixable. As a systems-level guy, I am frequently questioning various aspects of the Python ecosystem which I have contrasting opinions on, including the importance of correctness and performance.
Starting in 2021, I started gravitating towards writing more Rust code and solving problems in the systems domain that were previously off-limits to me, like Apple code signing. Initially the work was in support of PyOxidizer: I was going to implement all these packaging primitives in pure Rust and enable people to distribute Python applications without requiring access to a Windows or macOS machine! Over time, this work consumed me. Apple code signing turned into a major time sink because of its complexity and the fact I was having to reverse engineer a lot of its internals. But I was having a ton of fun doing it: more fun than swimming upstream against decades of encrusted technical debts in the Python ecosystem.
By late 2021, I realized I made a series of mistakes with PyOxidizer.
I started PyOxidizer as a science experiment to see if it was possible to achieve a single file executable Python application without requiring a temporary filesystem at run-time. I succeeded. But the cost was compatibility with the larger pre-built Python package ecosystem. I built all this complexity into PyOxidizer to allow people to tweak how Python resources are packaged so they could choose to build a single file application if they wanted. This ballooned into a hot mess and was obviously not user-friendly. It violated various personal principles about optimizing for end-user experience.
Armed with knowledge of all the pitfalls, I realized that there was a 90% use case for Python application packaging that was simple for end users and technically achievable using all the code primitives - like the pyembed Rust crate - that I built out for PyOxidizer.
Thus the PyOxy project was born and released in May 2022.
While I believe PyOxy is already a generally useful primitive to have in the Python ecosystem, I had bigger goals in mind.
My intent with PyOxy was to build in a simplified and opinionated PyOxidizer
lite mode. The pyoxy
executable is already a chameleon: if you rename it to
it behaves like a python
executable. I wanted to extend this so you
could do something like pyoxy build-app
and it would collect all dependencies,
assemble a
Python packed resources
blob, and embed that in a copy of the pyoxy
binary as an ELF, Mach-O, or PE
segment. Then at run-time, the variant executable binary would load the application
configuration and Python resources metadata from its own binary and execute the
application. Essentially, PyOxy would evolve into a self-packaging Python
application. I just needed to evolve the Python packed resources format,
implement a very crude ELF, Mach-O, and PE linker to append resources data to an
executable, and teach pyembed
to read resources data from an ELF, Mach-O, or
PE segment. All within my sphere of technical competency. And I was excited to
build it and forever alter people's perceptions of how easy it could be to produce
a distributable Python application.
Then the roller coaster of my personal life took over. I felt newly invigorated with a new job role. I got engaged and married. I became a father.
By early 2023, it was clear my ability to contribute to open source would be vastly diminished for the foreseeable future. PyOxidizer and PyOxy fell into a state of neglect. Weeks went by without me even tinkering on my local computer, much less push commits or publish a release. Weeks turned into months. Months into quarters. At this point, I haven't pushed a commit to indygreg/PyOxidizer since January 2023. And I'm not sure when I next will, if ever.
In my limited open source contribution time, I've prioritized other projects over PyOxidizer.
python-build-standalone has gained a life outside PyOxidizer. It is now used by rye, Bazel's rules_python, briefcase, and a myriad of other consumers. The release assets have been downloaded over 23 million times and the download rate appears to be accelerating. I still actively support python-build-standalone and intend for the project to be actively supported for the indefinite future: it has become too important to abandon. I'm actively recruiting assistance to help maintain the project and I'm not concerned about its future.
Apple code signing still actively draws my engagement. What I love about the project is it either works or it doesn't: there's limited extra features we can add to it since Apple mostly dictates the feature set. And I perceive the current project to be mostly done.
python-zstandard is downloaded ~8 million times per month. The project is long overdue for some modernization. I'm sitting on a pile of commits to improve it, but progress has been slow. I just learned this weekend that the maintainer of the other popular zstandard Python package deleted their GitHub account recently and now users are looking to onboard to my package. Nothing quite like unanticipated distractions!
That's a very long-winded way of saying that PyOxidizer and all the projects under its umbrella are effectively in a zombie state. I'm hesitant to say dead because if I suddenly found myself with lots of free time I'd love to brush off the cobwebs and bring the projects back to life. But who am I kidding: they are effectively dead at the moment because with everything happening in my personal life, I don't see where I find the time to resuscitate the project. And that assumes I even want to: again, I've become somewhat disenchanted by the state of Python. The main thing that draws me to it is the size of the community and the potential for impact. But to realize that impact I feel like I'd be pushing Python in directions it isn't well-equipped to go in. Quite franky - and, yes, selfishly - I don't want to subject myself to the misery unless I'm being well paid to do it. Again, I view my open source contributions as a fun outlet for my creative expression and nudging Python packaging in directions it is obviously ill-equipped to go in just isn't fun.
If anyone reading has an interest in taking ownership or maintenance responsibilities of PyOxidizer, any projects under its umbrella, or any of my other open source projects, I'm receptive to proposals. Send me an email or create an issue or discussion on GitHub if you want to do it publicly.
But I'm going to assume that PyOxidizer is going to wither and die - or at least incur some massive backwards incompatible breaks if it continues to live. I've already filed issues against python-build-standalone - such as removing Windows static builds - to make the project easier to support and less work for future maintainers.
If I have one regret about how this has played out, it is my failure to communicate developments in my open source commitments / expectations in a timely manner. I knew the future was bleak in early 2023 but didn't publicly say anything. I still thought there was a chance that things were going to change and I didn't want to make a hard decision prematurely. Writing this post has been on my mind since the middle of 2023 but I just couldn't bring myself to write it. And - surprise - having a newborn at home is a giant time and mental commitment! I'm writing this now because people are (finally!) noticing my lack of contributions to PyOxidizer and asking questions. And I'm home alone for a few days and actually have time to sit down and compose this post. (Yes, I'm that stretched for time in my personal life.)
In 2023, I struggled with the idea of letting people down by declaring PyOxidizer dead. But when I wake up every morning, walk into the nursery, and cause my daughter to smile and flail her arms and legs with unbridled excitement when she sees me, I'd have it no other way. When it comes to choosing between open source and family, I choose family.
It feels appropriate to end this post with a link to XKCD 2347: Dependency. But I'm not the random person in Nebraska: I'm a husband and father.
On Algorithms and Interviewing
January 17, 2019 at 10:45 AM | categories: Personal
As I write this, I'm hours away from starting to interview for full-time jobs in the software field. I've spoken with a number of recruiters and hiring managers and have received interview preparation materials from a handful of companies, many of which you've probably heard of.
I was hoping things would have changed since I last seriously underwent this endeavor ~7.5 years ago (I did interview periodically when I was at Mozilla in order to test waters, keep my interview skills sharp, etc). But it appears the industry is still generally fixated on algorithms and data structures in interviews. The way algorithms and similar coding tricks are emphasized in the preparation materials I've received, you'd think people in software spend a major part of their work days thinking about and implementing algorithms. But from my experience, this is very far from the case! So why are so many companies and interviewers fixated on algorithms. And is this a good thing?
When they matter, efficient algorithms, data structures, and other tricks are important and useful skills to have. But from my experience, they matter far less than you would think. If I were to make a list of important job skills and traits for software and programming, memorized knowledge of algorithms and data structures is so far down the list that I don't think I would even ask about algorithms fundamentals for most job candidates! (In fact I don't.) I think it is vastly more important to focus on behavioral qualities and potential to actually think and apply knowledge rather than regurgitate it. Algorithms and data structures, after all, are learned knowledge. All other things be equal, I'd rather have someone who knows when to ask for help with an algorithms issue or can pick up the skill than a curmudgeon algorithms genius who has an abrasive personality and clings to old habits.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I should to state that my algorithms skills are relatively weak. You can accuse me of writing this post to fulfill my own selfish interests. You wouldn't be wrong. But I know there are others like me who are good at programming yet struggle with algorithms and question the utility of algorithms in interviews. I'm attempting to write this post for all of us.
I have failed job interviews because the interviewer assessed my algorithms abilities as weak. I'm able to work through this deficiency with interviewers who care more about the behavioral traits I exhibit when in such a situation (I try to be quick about admitting my technical weaknesses and to ask for help when needed). But some interviewers aren't as interested in the behavioral traits or insist on a baseline level of memorized algorithms knowledge beyond my own. I feel like my relative algorithms weakness hasn't hurt me on the job, as I hardly find myself caring about algorithms in the work I do. In the majority of cases, the choice of an algorithm just doesn't matter for the size of the data set. Or a standard algorithm or data structure available in the standard library of the language I'm using is good enough. In the cases where I realize algorithms and data structures would matter, I run my technical questions past someone with more knowledge in the domain than me. Or if I don't do that, it often comes up during code review. Without strong algorithms and data structures knowledge, I'm able to maintain the Firefox build system, become a core contributor to a version control tool (something you think would require a lot of heavy algorithms knowledge), maintain various open source projects, diagnose and address low-level performance issues in complex software and systems. About the only impact that being weak in algorithms and data structures has had on my career is that some companies passed on hiring me because they perceived strength in this area to be important.
Albert Einstein once said, I never commit to memory anything that can easily be looked up in a book. A modern adaptation of that quote may go something like, never memorize how to implement an algorithm or data structure when you can just Google it or use a software library implementing it. If you have knowledge of how to implement various algorithms in your head, that's good for you, I suppose. But I think the bigger brain knowledge to possess is when algorithms matter and to a lesser extent, what types of algorithms are appropriate for particular problems. Answering these problems requires critical thinking. Actually implementing algorithms, by contrast, merely requires knowledge that can easily be looked up in a book (the algorithm or data structure itself) coupled with some programming knowledge for how to apply it. A capable programmer will be able to do both these things and pick up algorithms and data structure knowledge on the job, if necessary.
Some would say that algorithms are a good way to flush out coding ability. And coding ability is important to assess as part of interviewing a job candidate for a programming position! They aren't wrong. But there are much better ways to receive stronger signals about an interviewee's compatibility! On the coding front, there are infinite ways to assess programming capability without involving algorithms. So why involve algorithms as part of the interview?
One way I approach interviewing people is to imagine what the typical work day of that role will be like. How much time do they spend coding, investigating bugs, debugging, attending meetings, writing proposals, politicking with managers, etc. This produces a conceptual pie chart of that role's activities. I then try to structure the interview such that the topics covered in the interview correlate with and somewhat in proportion to activities in that job role. Is the role a heads down junior coder? A team lead or manager? When you start trying to map the time in various areas of the role to time spent in the interview, you realize that the common technical interview overly emphasizes some areas and often completely ignores others! One of the areas that is over-emphasizes is algorithms. Again, your typical programmer is going to be spending most of their typical day doing things unrelated to algorithms. So why are you spending precious interview time asking about algorithms when you could be probing an area that actually correlates to typical job activities? When viewed through this lens, the prevalence of algorithms in interviews just doesn't make much sense to me.
Perhaps knowledge of algorithms should be basic knowledge that every programmer should possess. If so, then asking about algorithms is fair game during an interview, I suppose. But I'm not comfortable with this line of thought.
I've always found it fascinating the ways that people with different backgrounds and degrees approach problems differently. From my experience, some of the best ideas and perspectives come from people with backgrounds and degrees which are minorities in the field. I've worked with programmers with degrees in philosophy and history who were some of the best programmers and overall minds in the room. One of the great things about software and programming is it is accessible to anyone, regardless of background. If you can code, you can land a (usually high-paying) job. Yes, the field is highly technical. But you don't need formal education or a degree to enter it like you do similar high-end professions, such as medicine or law. You can argue whether this is a good thing or not. But I think the accessibility of the software profession - the lack of formal gatekeeping - is something to marvel at, something that we as an industry should embrace and be proud of. Do arbitrary hurdles to joining the industry help or hinder it?
A problem with emphasizing algorithms in interviews is that algorithms are somewhat highly specialized and academic. There are entire areas of programming and software where detailed knowledge of algorithms just isn't that important. The bar for so much software is it works and it quite frankly doesn't matter if you have a quadratic algorithm instead of something better.
Most people I know are exposed to algorithms fundamentals during their university education as part of pursuing a degree in computer science or engineering. You almost certainly aren't going to have academic exposure to algorithms if you are say a liberal arts major - never mind someone who doesn't attend university at all (I also know plenty of terrific programmers who don't have degrees). From my own experience, my degree is in computer engineering. Not computer science or software engineering: computer engineering. I remember from my university days that my computer science friends seemed to have a much better grasp at algorithms and theory of software and programming than I did. When I was taking classes about how hardware and electronics work, they were learning all about the mathematical concepts underpinning the field, different approaches to programming language design, etc. I received very little of that. And on top of that, I struggled with my single algorithms course at university. So I entered the workforce without as good of a grasp on the computer science fundamentals as others I knew. (But I still probably knew more than someone in an unrelated field.) The point I'm trying to make is that because algorithms are somewhat highly specialized and academic in nature, requiring knowledge in algorithms will effectively bias your hiring towards people with strong computer science backgrounds. Stated another way, screening on algorithms knowledge undermines diversity and inclusion initiatives by excluding viable candidates who don't have strong backgrounds in computer science. Sure, if someone wants to enter the industry they can take the time to study up on algorithms. But why force them to do that? It feels like arbitrary gatekeeping given the relative non-importance of algorithms given the typical activities of the typical programmer. So why do it?
I suspect major contributing reasons to why algorithms are so prevalent in interviews are cargo culting, laziness, and lack of formal interview training / caring about diversity. As an industry, the software field is pretty bad at applying best practices and learning from our mistakes. I suspect this will change once the relatively young industry catches up to more-established industries and we're forced to cope with the realities of legal and monetary liabilities the way practically every other industry is. (We're starting to see this with monetary damages for security breaches.) Anyway, we as an industry are pretty bad at self-regulating and adopting practices with proven benefits. We like to settle for what is known. Laziness and the comfort associated with is easy. Seeking out and implementing change is harder. This is human nature. We see this with well-known people in industry rejecting the ideas of continuous testing (years ago) or fuzzing (more recently). We see it in C/C++ programmers who are delusional about their abilities to write secure code and decry e.g. Rust's safety guarantees as superfluous. The industry is disproportionately white and male (at least in the United States). And this brings with it certain personality tendencies. One is a macho attitude, which can manifest in interviews via the interviewer embarking on an ego trip proving they know some esoteric algorithm or data structure the candidate does not.
As a clear example of this, Google was known for asking brainteaser interview questions. (The practice may have been prevalent at Microsoft before Google was the darling of Silicon Valley, but that was before I entered industry.) This trend caught on and soon companies all over were asking brainteasers! The problem was that these questions didn't correlate to actual job performance! From a 2013 NYTimes interview with Google's VP of People Operations:
On the hiring side, we found that brainteasers are a complete waste of
time. How many golf balls can you fit into an airplane? How many gas
stations in Manhattan? A complete waste of time. They don’t predict
anything. They serve primarily to make the interviewer feel smart.
But the damage was done. I still heard these kinds of questions when interviewing in the wild long after Google realized they were bad questions and instructed interviewers not to ask them. I even believe I got a brainteaser when interviewing at Google after the supposed banning of these types of questions! And I won't be shocked if I'm asked a brainteaser in 2019 as part of the several interviews I'll be doing in the days ahead.
Asking questions with no correlation to job performance because a popular company asked that type of question for a while: that's textbook cargo culting. Failing to change your ways despite evidence saying you should: laziness. Insisting that your way is correct and others need to be like you: gatekeeping.
I'm not saying algorithms and data structures during interviews are intrinsically bad and that we should stop asking about them. What I am saying is that we as an industry need to examine how we interview. We need to invest in scientifically proven techniques. (Research shows that behavioral interview questions are better. Tell me about a time when, etc.) And after more than ten years in industry, my experience tells me that interviews place a disproportionate emphasis on algorithms and data structures compared to the daily activities of the typical programmer. And on top of that, due to their academic nature, I worry that screening for algorithms and data structures knowledge is undermining the diversity and inclusivity of our field by biasing towards people with strong computer science backgrounds. I think it is time we examine the role of algorithms and data structures in interviews and consider focusing on other areas instead.
Seeking Employment
January 07, 2019 at 03:25 PM | categories: Personal, Mozilla
After almost seven and a half years as an employee of Mozilla Corporation, I'm moving on. I have already worked my final day as an employee.
This post is the first time that I've publicly acknowledged my departure. To any Mozillians reading this, I regret that I did not send out a farewell email before I left. But the circumstances of my departure weren't conducive to doing so. I've been drafting a proper farewell blog post. But it has been very challenging to compose. Furthermore, each passing day brings with it new insights into my time at Mozilla and a new wrinkle to integrate into the reflective story I want to tell in that post. I vow to eventually publish a proper goodbye that serves as the bookend to my employment at Mozilla. Until then, just let me say that I'm already missing working with many of you. I've connected with several people since I left and still owe responses or messages to many more. If you want to get in touch, my contact info is in my résumé.
I left Mozilla without new employment lined up. That leads me to the subject line of this post: I'm seeking employment. The remainder of this post is thus tailored to potential employers.
My résumé has been updated. But that two page summary only scratches the surface of my experience and set of skills. The Body of Work page of my website is a more detailed record of the work I've done. But even it is not complete!
Perusing through my posts on this blog will reveal even more about the work I've done and how I go about it. My résumé links to a few posts that I think are great examples of the level of understanding and detail that I'm capable of harnessing.
As far as the kind of work I want to do or the type of company I want to work for, I'm trying to keep an open mind. But I do have some biases.
I prefer established companies to early start-ups for various reasons. Dan Luu's Big companies v. startups is aligned pretty well with my thinking.
One of the reasons I worked for Mozilla was because of my personal alignment with the Mozilla Manifesto. So I gravitate towards employers that share those principles and am somewhat turned off by those that counteract them. But I recognize that the world is complex and that competing perspectives aren't intrinsically evil. In other words, I try to maintain an open mind.
I'm attracted to employers that align their business with improving the well-being of the planet, especially the people on it. The link between the business and well-being can be tenuous: a B2B business for example is presumably selling something that helps people, and that helping is what matters to me. The tighter the link between the business and improving the world will increase my attraction to a employer.
I started my university education as a biomedical engineer because I liked the idea of being at the intersection of technology and medicine. And part of me really wants to return to this space because there are few things more noble than helping a fellow human being in need.
As for the kind of role or technical work I want to do, I could go in any number of directions. I still enjoy doing individual contributor type work and believe I could be an asset to an employer doing that work. But I also crave working on a team, performing technical mentorship, and being a leader of technical components. I enjoy participating in high-level planning as well as implementing the low-level aspects. I recognize that while my individual output can be substantial (I can provide data showing that I was one of the most prolific technical contributors at Mozilla during my time there) I can be more valuable to an employer when I bestow skills and knowledge unto others through teaching, mentorship, setting an example, etc.
I have what I would consider expertise in a few domains that may be attractive to employers.
I was a technical maintainer of Firefox's build system and initiated a transition away from an architecture that had been in place since the Netscape days. I definitely geek out way too much on build systems.
I am a contributor to the Mercurial version control tool. I know way too much about the internals of Mercurial, Git, and other version control tools. I am intimately aware of scaling problems with these tools. Some of the scaling work I did for Mercurial saved Mozilla tens of thousands of dollars in direct operational costs and probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in saved people time due to fewer service disruptions and faster operations.
I have exposure to both client and server side work and the problems encountered within each domain. I've dabbled in lots of technologies, operating systems, and tools. I'm not afraid to learn something new. Although as my experience increases, so does my skepticism of shiny new things (I've been burned by technical fads too many times).
I have a keen fascination with optimization and scaling, whether it be on a technical level or in terms of workflows and human behavior. I like to ask and then what so I'm thinking a few steps out and am prepared for the next problem or consequence of an immediate action.
I seem to have a knack for caring about user experience and interfaces. (Although my own visual design skills aren't the greatest - see my website design for proof.) I'm pretty passionate that tools that people use should be simple and usable. Cognitive dissonance, latency, and distractions are real and as an industry we don't do a great job minimizing these disruptions so focus and productivity can be maximized. I'm not saying I would be a good product manager or UI designer. But it's something I've thought about because not many engineers seem to exhibit the passion for good user experience that I do and that intersection of skills could be valuable.
My favorite time at Mozilla was when I was working on a unified engineering productivity team. The team controlled most of the tools and infrastructure that Firefox developers interacted with in order to do their jobs. I absolutely loved taking a whole-world view of that problem space and identifying the high-level problems - and low-hanging fruit - to improve the overall Firefox development experience. I derived a lot of satisfaction from identifying pain points, equating them to a dollar cost by extrapolating people time wasted due to them, justifying working on them, and finally celebrating - along with the overall engineering team - when improvements were made. I think I would be a tremendous asset to a company working in this space. And if my experience at Mozilla is any indicator, I would more than offset my total employment cost by doing this kind of work.
I've been entertaining the idea of contracting for a while before I resume full-time employment with a single employer. However, I've never contracted before and need to do some homework before I commit to that. (Please leave a comment or email me if you have recommendations on reading material.)
My dream contract gig would likely be to finish the Mercurial wire protocol and storage work I started last year. I would need to type up a formal proposal, but the gist of it is the work I started has the potential to leapfrog Git in terms of both client-side and server-side performance and scalability. Mercurial would be able to open Git repositories on the local filesystem as well as consume them via the Git wire protocol. Transparent Git interoperability would enable Mercurial to be used as a drop-in replacement for Git, which would benefit users who don't have control over the server (such as projects that live on GitHub). Mercurial's new wire protocol is designed with global scalability and distribution in mind. The goal is to enable server operators to deploy scalable VCS servers in a turn-key manner by relying on scalable key-value stores and content distribution networks as much as possible (Mercurial and Git today require servers to perform way too much work and aren't designed with modern distributed systems best practices, which is why scaling them is hard). The new protocol is being designed such that a Mercurial server could expose Git data. It would then be possible to teach a Git client to speak the Mercurial wire protocol, which would result in Mercurial being a more scalable Git server than Git is today. If my vision is achieved, this would make server-side VCS scaling problems go away and would eliminate the religious debate between Git and Mercurial (the answer would be deploy a Mercurial server, allow data to be exposed to Git, and let consumers choose). I conservatively estimate that the benefits to industry would be in the millions of dollars. How I would structure a contract to deliver aspects of this, I'm not sure. But if you are willing to invest six figures towards this bet, let's talk. A good foundation of this work is already implemented in Mercurial and the Mercurial core development team is already on-board with many aspects of the vision, so I'm not spewing vapor.
Another potential contract opportunity would be funding PyOxidizer. I started the project a few months back as a side-project as an excuse to learn Rust while solving a fun problem that I thought needed solving. I was hoping for the project to be useful for Mercurial and Mozilla one day. But if social media activity is any indication, there seems to be somewhat widespread interest in this project. I have no doubt that once complete, companies will be using PyOxidizer to ship products that generate revenue and that PyOxidizer will save them engineering resources. I'd very much like to recapture some of that value into my pockets, if possible. Again, I'm somewhat naive about how to write contracts since I've never contracted, but I imagine deliver a tool that allows me to ship product X as a standalone binary to platforms Y and Z is definitely something that could be structured as a contract.
As for the timeline, I was at Mozilla for what feels like an eternity in Silicon Valley. And Mozilla's way of working is substantially different from many companies. I need some time to decompress and unlearn some Mozilla habits. My future employer will inherit a happier and more productive employee by allowing me to take some much-needed time off.
I'm looking to resume full-time work no sooner than March 1. I'd like to figure out what the next step in my career is by the end of January. Then I can sign some papers, pack up my skiis, and become a ski bum for the month of February: if I don't use this unemployment opportunity to have at least 20 days on the slopes this season and visit some new mountains, I will be very disappointed in myself!
If you want to get in touch, my contact info is in my résumé. I tend not to answer incoming calls from unknown numbers, so email is preferred. But if you leave a voicemail, I'll try to get back to you.
I look forward to working for a great engineering organization in the near future!